We continue our investigation to find out what makes such a solid and productive the link between tourism and technology. We started our study from the hotel situation in Italy, analyzing the protagonists and discovering What hotels can orient themselves toward To take full advantage of its potential.

Today we investigate the reasons for this. What is it that makes technology so useful in tourism?

Let's think about how the tourism industry has moved in the utlim years and how the whole market takes a lot of advantage of the Web:

  1. a wider user base
  2. speed of communication
  3. easy competitor analysis

but most importantly possibility of tagging its customers.

Tourism aggregators are the most widely used method of oraganizing vacations by users, over the years they have increased their offerings by supplementing them with services for all types of users. In this way, it becomes easier for the customer to identify the right facility for his or her needs and for the platforms to send suitable proposals to retain him or her permanently.

This practice has obviously been adopted by all parties involved in the tourism scene, increasing their customers and even changing their services and investments to meet their wishes.

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