Wifi Technology

Technology4you develops WiFi Connections for Hotel cost-effective and with very short installation times. We assess your facility's features and present software, then design a secure and fast connection service, updated to handle signal drops or interference. We can build a brand-new WiFi installation, or integrate and upgrade your existing one.

We propose WiFi4you, an intuitive, functional and self-sufficient WiFi connection system: Once installed, it does not require any specific maintenance. Reliability and flexibility in a single solution, developed to meet the needs 2.0 of each accommodation.

Travelers are accustomed to using smartphones and tablets to post on social media and search for information about places of interest. Everyone wants the WiFi, every where and at any time. Your guests take it for granted: a reliable connection is at the heart of it Hospitality.

Connection WiFi Hotspot Hotel

From the momentum to your business

Take advantage of the combination of WiFi4you and the WiFi Finder technology to make your structure known. Offering an open area with free WiFi is an opportunity to stand out from the crowd and attract new customers.

Sign in via the Facebook profile

With WiFi4you your guests will have a practical and functional WiFi network that they can easily access through their Facebook credentials. The reception, so, will not be clogged to create and deliver temporary passwords.

Flexibility and customization

You can choose to connect the entire structure, either through the creation of a WiFi hotspot, or to delimit a customer area, using routers and extenders. To the rest we think, offering solutions in line with your needs and your budget.

WiFi Hotspot

By activating a WiFi hotspot, the hotel will have a platform with which to coordinate Internet access for all customers, quickly and intuitively configuring connection parameters, including account management and logon credentials. A reliable hotspot supports multiple simultaneous connections in a fluid way: it is easy to install and integrates with existing computer services.