In previous articles, we have repeatedly talked about the actions that the tourism industry, and hotels in particular, can take to continue to enhance their value. Today, however, we want to talk to you about how thee actions taken must be communicated to your loyal and potential customers. Because when activities slow down, it is important to take the time to create new strategies, playing ahead to arrive ready for the return of tourist flows.


Talking to your clientele is key, telling them about the moment, how your business is responding and what steps you are taking to make sure that services to your clientele can continue or resume when the time comes. This kind of storytelling is aimed at both loyal customers and those who may decide to come to you later.


The Corona Virus has increased people's attention span regarding cleanliness, spacing, and the devices that are used to keep them safe. Equipping yourself with all measures is necessary to be in compliance with the law but knowing how to turn it into a strength to increase not only the attention to your clients but also the amount of services that are offered, such as the Online reservation of restaurant seats and menu, are opportunities not to be missed.


What is missing in the world of tourism? This is the main question every facility should ask itself at this time. There are categories who need to keep traveling, adjusting to their needs will help you intercept them, ensuring breathing space for your facility.


Although significantly declining, people continue to travel but need to feel reassured not only on the health side but also on the investment side. The strategy to be adopted here is the creation of tourist packages with a free cancellation policy that combine a stay in the facility with the discovery of the area.


Communication needs to adapt to the present time; if your site is not reporting all your activities or social media has been neglected, it is time to remedy it. Review strategies and content, talk about improvements that have been made, packages, but most importantly stay in touch with your customers. Mention them, include in newsletters what might entice them to indulge safely during this difficult time.

Find out what actions can be taken in your facility through our personalized counseling. Contact us!

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