Hospitality Booster is the offer created by Technology4You to enable your hotel to restart with two key focuses:

  • Make your offer attractive to your customers
  • Containing costs

We understand the need after a time of crisis to curb investment, but without failing in the quality of services that a facility offers its customers, being competitive when reopening will make a difference or not on the success of a project.

What are the services we offer?


A service Wi-Fi efficient for your hotel and your guests is what everyone expects. We have also combined the option MARKETING AUTOMATION That allows you to turn a cost into a revenue opportunity and customer retention


L'assistance remotely or on-site, multi languages ready to take action in a matter of minutes to ensure timely troubleshooting.

VOIP Switchboard

Save costs by moving your traditional phone service to a advanced switchboard (free video conferencing system). For greater flexibility and ease of management.

But what makes our offer so convenient? Let's find out its features together:

  • COMPLETE: in single point of reference for all services
  • ECONOMIC: one fee that will save you nasty surprises
  • MODULABLE: choose only the best services for your business while maintaining efficiency
  • CONSULTING: free of charge for any future projects for the duration of the contract

Our offer combines the best services for your hotel facility with the best possible conditions of implementation.

Request a consultation and create your offer together with our representative. Contact!

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