We continue our investigation inside the world of tourism, its protagonists and what drives the changes we are seeing and will continue to see in the future.

Why do we do this? Because showing you what drives our thinking gives you a clear idea of our professionalism.

At this time we are focusing on theinnovation, very often when we talk about this topic we dwell only on the technological level in the narrow sense. In reality, innovation especially in this historical period is moving decisively by changing business models on both the social and environmental sustainability levels.

But who can make this change?

If we talk about changes interior, we are obviously talking about the accommodations, while if we talk about changes external, the protagonists are 3:


Aggregators are B2C companies that aggregate tourism offerings within a platform. Their intent is completely developed around the consumer experience and aims to get the consumer to buy as complete a travel experience as possible, often with very aggressive marketing policies.

Within this group we find: metasearch companies, OTAs (Online Travel Agencies), Experience Marketplaces, and Hotel Networks.


Integrators are B2B companies that act as a bridge between aggregators and accommodations, creating the IT infrastructure that enables the use of services and automating many tasks that facilitate time and cost optimization.

Within this group we find: innovative companies developing PMS, CRM, Channel Manager, etc;


Hybrids are not characterized by their operating model but by the type of business they work with (either B2B or B2C), which may require an aggregative or integrative approach depending on the occasion.

This sector includes HR development companies that are aggregators if they are in the business of recruitment or integrators if they are in the business of training.

Combined, these figures can effect a great deal of change within the world of tourism.

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