Central Hotel VOIP

Innovare la gestione telefonica dell’albergo, Breaking costs e migliorando l’operatività aziendale è possibile, grazie alla tecnologia Voice over IP. The VoIP switchboard converts the digital voice signal, allowing it to travel on the data network; It replaces the phone line and allows you to manage all incoming traffic from the front desk.

Il valore aggiunto della tecnologia VoIP per hotel è rappresentato dalla possibilità di Customize the Service, depending on the individual needs of each structure. It is a flexible system, with cost of planting, management and operation considerably lower than the traditional line.

Scopri se la tecnologia VoIP fa al caso della tuo hotel con una Computer Consulting degli esperti di Technology4you. Con noi puoi vagliare tutte le soluzioni possibili, verificando la possibilità di un trasferimento completo o parziale delle Utilities verso un centralino VoIP.

Switchboard Voip Digital Telephony

Cost-Savings through WiFi

VoIP technology travels on the WiFi network, converting the audio signal to digital. A switchboard disconnected from the telephone network allows you to cut costs, because telephone service and Internet connection are fully managed in-house.

Quality, efficiency and comfort

The VoIP switchboard, in addition to guaranteeing the highest quality of the phone call, allows to manage from one station only the incoming traffic and the check-in services of the customers, activating from the reception the telephone in the room and the access to the WiFi.

Put back the old plant

Do not worry, it is not necessary to dismantle the old structure: with a VoIP switchboard you can better reuse the equipment and lines already installed. You decide whether to digitize the hotel's phone services in a total or partial way.

Ride the digital revolution

IT services are experiencing a moment of digital revolution and the technologies developed for it Hospitality are no exception. The old analogue lines of ISDN telephony are now obsolete and too expensive compared to VoIP solutions: integrating telephony and Internet connection means investing in innovation and efficiency.