Computer Services for Hotel

Con Technology4you puoi confezionare un Customized Computer Services Package per la tua struttura ricettiva. Applicazioni, client/service, internet per hotel e assemblaggio hardware. Dalla scelta degli strumenti allo sviluppo di software personalizzati: la nostra offerta è studiata per rispondere ad ogni esigenza.

Max4you, software di monitoraggio preventivo di tutti i sistemi dell’hotel, Backup4you, innovativo concept di salvataggio dati su server remoti e WiFi4you, a professional solution for the management of Internet connections, are only three of the products that have been very successful among the customers.

I nostri servizi informatici, innovativi e affidabili, rappresentano un valore strategico per fornire Quick and concrete answers alle necessità organizzative di tutti i giorni. Strumenti imprescindibili per stare al passo coi tempi e rendere più fluidi i processi di gestione del tuo hotel.

Computer Services for Hotel

IT Solutions for a quality hotel

With our advanced, easy-to-use and reliable computer services, you can implement your business and simplify structure management: efficient hardware and software are an added value to the hotel and a brilliant response to the needs of Guests.

' Turnkey ' Computer Services

Thanks to years of experience in large hotel chains, our professionals are able to design tailor-made and ready-to-use solutions. We correct any gaps in the service, giving your business an opportunity to grow and differentiate.

The detail that makes the difference

We work daily with you, attentive to every little detail that can contribute to your success. Our technicians accompany you step by step, from the development to the release of the computer services, ensuring assistance 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Hardware Assembly

The Assembly of a PC is the first-fundamental-step to give concrete answers to the management needs of a structure of any kind and size. We can develop unique solutions, assembling components of different origin, or implement already existing instrumentation, to increase the efficiency and performance of your computer services.